Nobody likes to be cheated, that’s why we have prepared this publication for those, who want to understand what is the difference between authentic documents and forgeries, before buying the diploma.
Ukrainian diploma has high level of protection from forgeries. Far not everybody knows about some its subtleties, and because of their inexperience and impudence, some fraudsters, disregarding basic things, try to sell their version of the diploma to naive client, issuing it for the genuine. So, what does a purchaser need to know and how to differ the authentic diploma from the forgery? Let`s consider all degrees of protection the diplomas from forgeries in more detail.
Methods of verification authenticity the diplomas
A fundamental and the most reliable degree of protection the diploma from forgeries is its presence in the main publicly available State electronic base All without exception services and authorities use exactly this base, employers and private persons, generally all those, who decided to ensure on the reliability of the document, which is in front of them. While information on graduates from 2015 year is securely kept here. BUT! All data of previously issued documents will have already moved from and having passed through a number of verifications, by 2017 of November will have found its place in Inforesurce, and that will make degree of protection the diploma unflinching.
It is very easy to use this base and even newbie, visited worldwide networks, is able to cope with this task. This will require:
- Computer or even mobile phone connected to internet.
- Go onto the official publicly accessible Internet–portal of verification the authenticity State educational documents
- Move in the section “Verification of the document” (lower point on the right menu).
On this preparatory stage is over and verification process starts. Then you will be offered to enter the data of the verifiable document, it is not difficult to find it on the sample which is in Your hands:
– Choose the type of the document:
– Series and Number of the document:
– Surname, Name, Middle name:
– Date of Birth:
– Press a button “Send request”
There is a short instruction on completing the form on the right column
System response won`t make you wait for long and owners of the authentic document will get detailed information about the document, including series and number, date of issue, graduate`s qualification, issued establishment and much more. The document is acknowledged as authentic on the State level. All other verifications loose their sense, so as only genuine, authentic documents with all degrees of protection from frauds are entered into the base And You just loose your time checking every verification separately.
Otherwise, if there is the fraud in front of You (fraud or qualitative print, etc), You will see this:
It is extremely risky to use this document and consequences can be unpredictable. Sooner or later there will be an employer, willing to check authenticity of exactly Your document.
Left lower corner
Having received the sample of the document (the diploma) on your hands, pay attention on its left lower corner. There are three flowers on the genuine document, moreover two of them are little and placed at the base of third bigger in size flower, partly covering them. Border of these little flowers in the left lower corner differs from all others. What is more, the whole this complex from three flowers in the left lower corner is printed by cliche and it fundamentally differs by its border from the rest three corners of the document (incredibly hard work of printing machine, which is only available to a technic, which has “A” (notes of currency) – category of printing). This one of powerful method of protection the diploma, certificate, promissory note, personal documents and even notes of currency, which is used for printing authentic Ukrainian forms of strict reporting. Such a small detail, unavailable for reproduction artisanal, visually reveals forged document, which negligent performers more and more try to foist. Knowing about this level of protection the diploma. You can easily identify fraud, thus avoiding problems and troubles in employment as well as getting further education on the basis of received documents in Native country or abroad.
One of the most important ways of protection the diploma from frauds (before 2012 year) is hologram. On Ukrainian diplomas it is performed with special method of multilevel degrees of protection when there is microprint, moir effect etc. Microprint contains words: “Study, read, learn something new, else and don’t renegue from yours”. These words were written by Taras Grygorievych Shevchenko. This phrase is visible while increasing (click on thumbnail). Exactly these famous words cannot be counterfeited by official as well as multiple backstreet companies, which don’t have official permissions and admissions to cliche this text in hologram. That’s why human resources officers and other similar services in the first place pay attention on exactly this detail.
Attachement. Micronet and microprint
Letters and components have to be perfectly readable in the documents of strict reporting when using for example micro text. It`s easy to check with the help of lens 4 times increasing.
1 – Microprint:
2 – Micronet
Laser ultraviolet protection
Laser ultraviolet protection means stamping ultraviolet marks on the documentation in combination with simple embossed imprint which is visible. Such protection will help figure out without problems the forged diploma and the genuine one. It is almost impossible to falsify ultraviolet protection of laser type, that`s why such sign gives full guarantee that the document is genuine.
Fore side of the diploma
Carefully looking at fore side of the diploma of any university, you may notice, that image and inscription are a bit blurred. This happens because of refraction of light waves. This effect is achieved due to the form of the document has symbols – holograms, which protect it and make copying impossible.
Downside of the diploma
Symbols – holograms are also used as a protection on downside of the diploma, which are visible in ultraviolet light, but whereas fore side the image looks less contrast and its clarity is not so high. Also there is owner`s personal data:
- Initials and university provost`s signature;
- Seal with blazon of issued establishment;
- Date, when the diploma was issued;
- Full name whose this document is;
- Name of establishment issued this diploma;
- Number and series of the diploma.
Besides, there is a special mark on downside of the diploma, that says that this educational establishment was graduated with excellence. It is placed in the upper right corner.
Color transition
Color transition is the weakest way of protection the diplomas and other documents. It doesn’t have strict reporting. This way has low cost, it can be accomplished with usual high – quality offset printing.
The core of the printing process consists in using sharing colors of forms. Image moves frоm set of forms high quality to collected forms, which calls cliché, with which for one way to sealed up material. Fully colored image is made on printing cliché from which printing copies go on. While such printing borders of color transition are clear, without shifts and distortions.
Inscriptions “Diploma” and number
Inscription “Diploma” and number – is the next degree of protection the diploma from forgeries, that fraudsters encounter with, and sometimes they just ignore it. These elements are implemented with using microprint in size 0.2 millimeters. No matter how good the printing machine – repeating that is beyond its capacity. As a result, symbols are blurred and unreadable with enlarging. Knowing about this degree of protection, anybody is able to reveal forged document by himself.
Luminous figures
Almost every document of strict reporting, which is in the Ukrainian market of papers, contains certain figures and series of form production that vary on bright radiance in ultraviolet. This is one more way of protection the important documents, including university diplomas, forgery of which is impossible artisan.
Having learned carefully offered material, You can reveal the forged diploma or any other form of strict reporting by yourself without any effort and complicated equipment, having analyzed degrees of protection the diploma and other documents. Be careful in selecting an implementer of Your order and don’t trust your further future in chiseller`s hands, and there are lots of them.
Remember – only genuine document is able to change Your life radically in better way. Beware of forgeries!